How to Help Us
Do the Work
We Do

As with many non-profit agencies, we must rely on non-government funds to acquire many of the necessities to support the needs of the individuals receiving services from our agency. All donations go directly towards the specific needs of the individuals. All donations are tax deductible. 

With your generous support we are able to help our clients with everyday and life necessities that include:

Clothing and Replacement of Linens  Social Security Income (SSI) is often the sole means of support for a CHOICESS client, so after paying for their monthly rent, food and a bus pass, there isn’t much left over.

Medical Supplies – Some medical supplies are not covered by Medi-Cal and need to be purchased.

Communication Devices – Our clients communication challenges range from individuals who need items that provide output in the form of voice or print so they can express themselves and be understood because they are not able to effectively use verbal communication, but can express themselves with the assistance of augmentative communication devices.

Hygiene Supplies – Purchasing these supplies are costly, but are necessary to assist individuals in personal care.

Support Equipment – A major goal of CHOICESS is to help clients obtain basic support equipment in order to keep and maintain profitable jobs. This includes motorized wheelchairs, modified computers and other devices. It can take as long as five years for a qualified individual to obtain a publicly funded motorized wheelchair, and that is simply too long of a wait to get our clients into the working world.

Initial Rent Subsidies and Furnishings – CHOICESS’ major mission is to get clients living in their own home or apartment. Often it is necessary for CHOICESS to provide “up-front” funding for rent and furnishings because funding from the Regional Center frequently does not cover the entire “up-font” costs.

Life Experiences & Travel – Because the individuals we support are on such a fixed income due to their limited Social Security benefits, many cannot afford the cost of such things like enrolling in community classes, traveling, and exploring new life experiences. These expenses might be considered as luxury to some, but they are necessary to one’s overall physical and mental well-being, and something everyone deserves. 

Marty Anderson with his iPad, which he uses for communication, and a wheelchair mount so he always has it within reach! 

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Or shop on Amazon using AmazonSmile and Amazon will make a donation to us! Click on the image below! 

Dan Powers on a trip to Lake Tahoe with his staff. This is Dan’s first time on a boat!

Our Sponsors

CHOICESS is grateful to the following organizations that have sponsored past events and/or given generous donations to our agency. To become a sponsor and have your organization recognized here on our website, please email info@choicess.org for more information.